Work Smartly.

Explore global importers, exporters and market trends

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Get access to Export and Import Data of 209 Countries

Discover profitable products, buyers, suppliers and markets, and monitor competitors all in a single subscription.

Trade Data

Detailed trade intelligence on over 1 million metal companies worldwide, offering comprehensive information about their business partners, products, trade volume, shipments, prices, and more.

Explore detailed information about each company, including their business partners, product categories, price details, quantities, HS classifications, trade routes, and logistics providers.

With our enriched data points, you can maximize the value of your trade data. Easily download information or save it to your dashboard with just one click for future reference.

Search & instant view of “Ready to Use” Dashboards designed by experts to drive Export-Import Business Growth.

Get quick results and reduce weeks to seconds. Get entire team on board. Share with your team on desktop or mobile.

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Market Intelligence

Worldwide and local prices with daily updates.

Comprehensive benchmarks for base metals, recycled metal, steel, and secondary alloys that are not listed on exchanges but drive global trade. More than 1,400 proprietary price indexes and carry metals futures prices and other reference data.

Market news, commentary, and live data feeds from key metal exchanges.

Easy access for traders to consume and analyze the thousands of unique price assessments for metals in regions across the world.

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Leads Enrichment

Used to fuel sales and marketing growth, this tool provides you with data on the businesses you are trying to connect with. You can find businesses based on:

Email Addresses
Phone Numbers
Company Type or Industry
General Location & Addresses
Social Media & More

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