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All the essential tools to ensure your sales.


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All the essential tools to ensure your sales.


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Metal Prices Worldwide
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Email Verification Services

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TradeSee?
TradeSee is a software development company committed to making trading in domestic and international markets easier and more accessible for our customers and users.
What does TradeSee do?
We develop software and applications that connect more than 200,000 registered companies around the globe. We offer an international commercial solution that guarantees security and sustainability in all operations carried out between buyers and sellers.
On what platforms can I access TradeSee?
You can download the TradeSee app on Android and iOS. You can also access our software on your desktop through any browser you use.
TradeSee Database
Our database comprises more than 200,000 suppliers and buyers from around the world. Additionally, we provide comprehensive data on metal prices for each country and region.
How is TradeSee's data validated?
TradeSee collects authentic and verified global trade compliance data from government and federal customs authorities' documents, which are updated in real-time.
Do I need a subscription to use TradeSee?
Yes, a subscription is required to access the full range of TradeSee's tools and features. However, you can try the software for free with limited access before deciding to subscribe.
When are the credits reset?
Credits are reset monthly based on your plan. If needed, you can also purchase additional credit packages.
Why do I need credits?
Credits are used to unlock various functionalities, such as finding new business partners or accessing metal prices.
Do I need a subscription to buy credits?
Yes, a subscription is required to purchase credit packages and to access all functionalities that use credits.
I just paid for a subscription, when will my plan be activated?
Your plan is automatically activated once the payment is confirmed. If your credits are not updated after payment, please reload the page and try again. If the issue persists, contact us at for assistance.